Who we are

A social network platform for networking with a cause. We organise events to raise funds and awareness for various non-profit organisations.

How it started

As with many great ideas, the idea for FUNraiser started amongst friends over a good bottle of red wine.  With all participants in this conversation being in our late twenties or early thirties, we realised that there is a need amongst our peers to attend social-networking functions, similar to dances or parties we used to host and attend at university or college. The idea to host a Formal Dance took shape.


Funds raised by dances/parties whilst at university/college were applied constructively. We realised that some charities get limited exposure and need a platform to give people the opportunity to become involved, even in the most basic way. Our peers want to get involved, but do not know where to start.


To this avail FUNraiser was born in 2015 and with three successful functions under our belts, we are still going strong and as enthusiastic as ever to make a difference.

“That’s what I consider true generosity: You give your all, and yet you always feel as if it costs you nothing.”

Simone de Beauvoir

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